Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for??

Well ladies it's Thanksgiving time and that means that we're almost done with our 3rd semester. I think that we can all agree that we are thankful for being accepted into this wonderful program, thankful for each other and thankful that we are almost done! Here is what I am thankful for in each and every one of you:
Tasha: How easy-going/down-to-earth you are and the passion you have for everything you do.
Bre: Your hard work and extreme dedication in everything you do.
Emily: Your heart and thoughtfulness in every area of life.
Mollee: Your humor and ability to laugh at the little things.
Erica: Your extreme passion and your willingness to help anyone.
Kylar: Your spunk/creativity and the friendship we've all created with you.
Jill: Your intelligence and extreme efficiency in everything you do.
Tiffany: Your confidence and determination in everything you do.
Michelle: Your personality and the emotion you put into the things you do.

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