Thursday, November 24, 2011

Annual Session 2011

This year we had the privilage of attending annual session in Boise. In spite of all our other duties, we set aside time to complete our table clinics. We were paired up according to our interests in table clinic subjects. In each pair we were given a couple weeks to decide on a topic, make a board and presentation. We all traveled to Boise together and stayed at the Owyhee Plaza where annual session was held. We attended many continuing education lectures and presented our table clinics. Although it was very stressful at first, we all really enjoyed presenting our table clinics. We also made time to enjoy each other's company and explored Boise together! Most importantly, I would like to announce the winners of annual session as one of our very own, Jill Searle and Mollee Nielsen! We all worked hard and put a lot of effort into these but congratulations Jill and Mollee for representing CSI well and bringing home number one! We all are so very proud of you girls! We all did an exceptional job and we are all winners! Great job, ladies! Here's to nationals, representing Idaho for the first time in many years!

Please follow this link to see our entire weekend:

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