Saturday, October 2, 2010

Acceptance Letter

Knowing that a letter from the College of Southern Idaho was just sitting in my mailbox waiting to be read was one of the most exciting, yet nerve-racking days of my life. This little piece of paper would inform me whether or not I was one of ten lucky girls to get into the program. Whether or not the word accepted was on this piece of paper could potentially change the path that I was traveling. I was ready for this new and exciting path and what it had waiting for me. I was ready to take a new direction in my life. I am extremely appreciative of the people who have helped me to this new and exciting point in my life and the 9 other people I get to spend it with!

 How did you react when you first found out you had been accepted?


Erica R said...

I was heading into my Anatomy class when my husband called and told me he had the letter in hand. I told him to drive to me NOW! Here was no way I was waiting until my 3 hour class was done. I even told my instructor as she walked past me that I would be late to class because I was waiting for my letter. Once Chris got there I held the letter for a couple seconds knowing it was bad news because it was a skinny letter. I opened it. Saw the words accepted, reread them and started screaming. My husband had to take the letter from me to make sure my screams were positive. We were so excited. I even called my mom before I went to class. :) I had been waiting for about 7 years for this program to get here! I felt incredible! Thank you to all who got us here!!

Michelle said...

I ran home on my lunch hour three days in a row to find a letter! On I think the second day, I went into the HSHS building and saw Cindy Harding and she was smiling at me, so I smiled and waved and afterward I wondered, was that smile a smile that she knew my letter should be in the mail and was expecting me to be excited? Or was that smile a "I hope she is taking it well she didn't make it" I drove myself crazy thinking about that!! So when the letter came, I pulled into my driveway and held it for a second only hoping I would read the write words. I thought to myself, "what if it doesn't say what I want? Or worse, what if I'm an alternate?" Because being an alternate would just be torture! Shaking, I opened the letter and read the words! Oh my gosh, I started crying and I ran into the house where my niece was watching my little boys and I said I made it!!! I then called my husband and told him the news! Then I called one of my dearest clients to tell her I appreciated all her kind encouragement! She was very excited for me! Then I called work and said I may be a few minutes late because I want to take my acceptance letter into Cindy and tell her thank you and turn in my acceptance letter! Yay! Now I could finally sleep!!!! :)

Sara said...

I got a call at the hospital from my mom and she told me I had a letter in the mail from CSI. I had 6 more hours left on my shift but I told her not to open it that I wanted to wait and read it myself. 5 minutes later I called her back and told her that I had to know, to open it. Then 30 seconds later I said "no, don't open it", then 30 seconds later I said "ok, just open it"! She asked if I was sure and I said "Yes, just open it"! My heart was pounding and everyone at work was huddled around me trying to hear what my mom was saying. She read me the entire letter with her voice shaking trying to keep calm for my sake. When she said "accepted" I just started cracking up. I laughed hysterically for like 10 minutes while all my coworkers were asking me what she said. Once I got my breath back I told everyone and we were all treated to a big ice cream buffet to congratulate me. I could not focus the rest of my shift. That was the longest 6 hours!