Wow is almost the end of the semester and there has not been one blog post
about the amazing class of 2021. So LETS DO THIS THING. Hi my name is Kindra
Cutler, and I am a junior in my first semester of the CSI Dental Hygiene Program. I
was nominated by my class to be the historian/blogger for some reason. I think I
am the most un-techy millennial there ever was. That’s okay though, I’m happy to
do it and try to learn a new skill. To get this blog kicked off I thought the best way
to start would be by introducing each member of our class.
Awhh Tania she’s beauty and she’s grace she’s
president of the United States... oh wait no she’s only the president of our class but I think me and
everyone else will consider actually writing her name on the ballot next election. She’s that AMAZING.
Tania is the mother to 3 beautiful children, and plus the other 9 (us) she has to watch over in class as well. She has been married to her husband for 7
Tania is so kind, and she is also extremely smart. She is beautiful, and always has a sense of calm about which is amazing considering the majority of us act like chickens running around with no heads.
Next up we have MELISSA (Mel) Reyes Melissa is our coffee lovin Vice President. Melissa is a mother to three dogs and has been married to her husband for a year now. Melissa is so extremely creative and has the most beautiful handwriting. If she rewrote The Constitution of the United States it would probably look better and our Founding Fathers would not be upset at all. She could also get a job writing beautiful cards for hallmark. She is crafty and always dresses to perfection and she never has a hair out of place. We all want to be like
SUPERMOM and our class secretary is...
drum roll please SARA (Sar/ grandma)

from her kids but to buy them diapers. After our 9 hour class days she goes home to play with her 3 sweet kids. She wakes up every morning at 4:30 am to study so she can spend the time after school with her kids. I don’t know of many people who would be that dedicated. Sara has been married to her husband for 7 years. She is inspiring and I hope to be more like her. She is so kind and always has the nicest things to say about people. She always seems to have it together and put 110% into everything she does.
MONEY makin, MONEY savin, MONEY
manangin... M uhh. “Don’t be a dummy save
your MONEY”, which is exactly what we did
when we nominated Emma to be our money
manager aka treasurer. Emma Pickett (M) is
our little granola, oatmeal lovin, elderberry
eaten gal. Our Maiden from Missoula Montana.
She left her beloved home, and boyfriend of
two years to come to CSI for the Dental
Hygiene program. While here at CSI she is
waiting on that ring so she can wear her bling
from her boy. Emma is very bright, and always
so eager to learn. She always wants to jump
right in and get started. She get excited about
every chance she gets to work in the clinic.
Emma is friends with everyone and is a very
kind compassionate person, she’s always
willing to help out.
Alicia (a-lee-sha) (leesh) McMurty
is our IDHA representative.
IDHA stands for:
IDHA actually stands for Idaho Dental Hygienist Association but in this case my acronym is better. Alicia is originally from Burley where her dad was a dentist. This is where she found her love for the dental field. She and her husband who have been married for a year live in Twin Falls now. Alicia is so extremely intelligent and is the type of person that just hears the information she gets it. She is an authentic, pure person who is always aware of the people around her to make sure they are taken care of.
Pretty Paige is up next. Paige Worthington is our quiet
genius. Paige never looks like she is paying attention in
class and then always gets one of the highest scores on
exams. Paige is originally from Murtaugh, before she
got into the program she finished the vet tech
program. Paige is a big animal lover and has 3 dogs of her
own. She also has a large flock of chickens that she takes
care of on a game on her phone. The best time to tend her
virtual chicken flock is during class. Pretty Paige is so
gorgeous and has a ton of natural beauty. She is basically a
model. She has beautiful long blonde hair, her skin is so
clear, her teeth are so straight and white, and her
eyelashes are long enough to fly her away. She’s also so
beautiful on the inside and is kind to everyone.

on the court and off the court, she is a very competitive person but it drives her to be her very best. Her biggest competitor is herself which drives her to exceed in everything she does, she goes above and
beyond to be proud of the work she puts in. Josie has a boyfriend who works out of state which is very hard but gives her the time to
focus and do the best on her studies. Josie has a huge heart and strives to please everyone. She is so encouraging and supportive and wants everyone to succeed.
You know that meme that goes something like this “ there’s a person driving their car and they feel a thud, they turn around to see what they hit and say “ phew it’s just a human, for a second there I thought it might have been a dog”. This is probably something that Alyssa (Lyss) Ransom(soon to be Cook) would say. Alyssa is another one of our dog lovers. She has had “allergies” all semester but I really think it’s the sniffles from leaving her fur babies back at home in Idaho Falls. Alyssa and her now fiancĂ© moved to Twin Falls when she got accepted into the program . They recently got engaged and are now in full
blown wedding planning. Alyssa is a real, genuine and honest person. In this world that is hard to find. She is someone who can be straight up with you but also knows when to sympathize and comfort. She is a great student and friend.
“Some super hero’s don’t wear capes, instead they
wear lovely green clinic barriers jackets ” This is true
for our cookie loving Toby (Tobe, Tobias) Peterson.
Toby is the type of person who things come naturally
to him. He has nice hair, he can dance and sing, he is
funny and smart and has great teeth. Poor Toby gets
to put up with 9 stressed, emotional, overwhelmed
women all day everyday and he’s a natural at it. His
only rule for us is “no crying allowed”. Nobody follows
that rule as I feel like someone is always crying. Then
he goes home to his fantastic wife who just had their
boy and two other little boys all under the age of 4.
He deserves some kind of an award or medal... or a
really good degree. Toby is honest but in a kind way,
most of the time. He is really smart and does well
considering all the things going on in his life that are
a priority. Toby is awesome, we are so lucky to him in
our class, and he is a really good cookie maker.
“It’s the Kindra (Winda) Show!” If this girl had a youtube channel it would be the number one watched show! The life of the class, everyone’s favorite storyteller and THE best one liners…that’s our Kindra!
I had no idea when I got into this program that I would make 9 new best-friends. These people are amazing and I hope that we have friendships that last a life time.
“It’s the Kindra (Winda) Show!” If this girl had a youtube channel it would be the number one watched show! The life of the class, everyone’s favorite storyteller and THE best one liners…that’s our Kindra!
She recently bought a new house and it reflects everyone’s
favorite gal: full of cute baby succulents, yummy smells and an ode
to her sweet, perfect husband, Nick. We all love her stories of
growing up in the small town of Oakley and taking Nick, a native
Utahan, to become an aspiring landscaper and farmer in this tiny
town. She is the most diligent reader and can basically recite
chapters word for word. Her study binders look like encyclopedias
that came straight out of the bookstore and dang, does she know
them inside and out. Her hobbies include looking like a hottie
everyday with her cute hairstyles and on-point makeup, giving
perfect manicures to the girls in the class, making tasty recipes
with her new baby…the instapot, creating 437 quizlets a week,
going to the gym bright and early and accessorizing her matching
school supplies. To some it all up she is the “Pinterest girl” we all
aspire to be and we love her!
I had no idea when I got into this program that I would make 9 new best-friends. These people are amazing and I hope that we have friendships that last a life time.
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