Saturday, May 12, 2012

"You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own and you know what you know. And you are the one who'll decide where to go"                                                                                                   -Dr. Suess

The Junior students have completed their first year of Dental Hygiene School! We have had quite a journey, yet we are only half way to the end point. We have come very far together! Thank you to all who have guided us and taught us this far: Cindy Harding, Dr. Cindy, John Boling, Barb Slatter, Joel Newton, Jeanna Secrest, and Kurt Hefner. We are very grateful to all of you and look forward to the next year to come.

I have enjoyed getting to know each of the Girls in the 2011-2013 class of Dental Hygiene!

Desiree - You amaze me with the amount knowledge you possess! I have enjoyed watching you blossom throughout the program and offering your friendship! You have strength and determination and I know you will go far!

Janet - You have great leadership qualities! You strive to do your best and do what it takes to get the job done! You never give up and are going to be great at whatever you choose do do!

Brandy - You are the biggest sweetheart and a true friend! I have watched you pushing yourself to the very end and I have been very proud of you! You are an amazing person and will have many wonderful opportunities ahead of you!

Rhonda - You are a teacher at heart and have a strong desire to help those around you! You put all that you have into everything that you do! You have a great future waiting for you!

Mallory - Your sense of humor and quick wit truly amaze me! I have enjoyed your fun loving personality and have been grateful for the humor you bring to class! You have definitely made days bearable for me when I thought I was going to break.

Clerissa - You are so friendly and it seems like you know everybody! You always have a smile on your face! I have enjoyed getting to know you more and I know you are going to have some amazing experiences in life! This is just the beginning for you!

Whitney - You have a laugh that brightens up my day! You have a passion for life, for fun, and for family. You are going to be such a good mother! Good luck in everything that you do! You have many wonderful opportunities waiting for you!

Dora - You are such a joy to have in class. You have a great sense of humor, and your dances you create for remembering the materials have saved me on more than one occasion! You strive for excellence and work hard for your kids! I believe you will achieve anything you put your mind to!!

Miranda - You are amazingly talented! You are soft spoken, smart, and loyal. I have enjoyed getting to know you more and the joy you have on your face when you talk about your daughter always makes me smile! Your future is bright and I know you are going to achieve so much!

Thank you girls for allowing me to get to know you over the year! Thank you for your support and your friendship! Enjoy your summer vacation! I hope to see you all back well rested and refreshed for another crazy year in Dental Hygiene School!

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