Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Year One: CHECK!

After 34 weeks of the program I know 10 girls that were relieved that summer break was here. It's amazing to look back and see what we have conquered. The first year has flown by so fast let's hope the same for the second year! We have completed numerous tests, quizzes, presentations, papers and patients. Just goes to show you what strong-willed, determined and smart ladies we have in this program :) Although I love all you girls and have an amazing time with you all, it's nice to have a break from it all! The summer is a good time to get our lives back (what's left of it), relax, hang out with family and friends and enjoy nice weather! No more tests, studying or reading (unless you want to be an overachiever ;))! Thanks ladies, for an amazing first year, I can't think of 9 other girls I'd rather spend my dental hygiene program years with! You all are amazing!

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