Wednesday, November 23, 2011

CSI Ropes Course....Please Nnoooo!

Despite our kicking and screaming, we were drug back to the CSI ropes course once again :) Although many of us enjoy the VERY HIGH activities, many of us do not (SaBrenna, haha)! This is a fun and efficient way to learn teamwork and to bond with one another. This time we were accompanied by the junior class. The seniors had a previous ropes course experience and an entire year to create teamwork and support but the juniors have not yet had these opportunities. This was a good experience for the first and second years to get to know each other and learn teamwork together. We will be sharing the next year together and it's very important to create that bond with them that we created among ourselves a year ago. Thank goodness this is the last time we have to do this! ;)

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